Drew is an acupuncturist and Chinese herbal dispenser with a Bachelor of Heath Science (Chinese Medicine) from the Southern School of Natural Therapies. He worked closely with former Muscle & Bone acupuncturist, Peter, for five years to develop his skills and abilities.
While Drew is skilled in treating a wide range of acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, he also treats many common ailments, including the common cold, digestive issues and eczema. He also has a particular passion for treating psycho-emotional disharmonies. As a Chinese herbal dispenser, Drew can prescribe patented herbal medicines and also mix herbal formulas based on a client’s specific requirements. With this wealth of experience, Drew can help get you back out there doing what you love to do.
In addition to his work as an acupuncturist, Drew is also a qualified personal trainer, CHEK Institute holistic lifestyle coach and martial artist (kung fu, judo, jujitsu, taekwondo and boxing). His favourite place in the world is a deep snow pine forest in the mountains (42.8048°N, 140.6874°E) or the beach.